
Diamond Rings K18 with Brilliant

Η υπόσχεση…


Το μονόπετρο είναι σίγουρα το “κόσμημα έκπληξη” στη ζωή μιας γυναίκας. Πολλά μονόπετρα δαχτυλίδια  έχουν δοθεί από τους άνδρες με τόσο ιδιαίτερο τρόπο, που έχουν κάνει τη στιγμή αυτή αξέχαστη στη σκέψη των γυναικών.


Η παράδοση να αγοράζεται ένα διαμάντι ως δώρο, μας μεταφέρει πολλά χρόνια πίσω, στο έτος 1477, όπου ο Αυστριακός Δούκας Μαξιμιλιανός εγκαινίασε αυτή την κίνηση, χαρίζοντας στην αρραβωνιαστικιά του Μαρία της Βουργουνδίας ένα μονόπετρο με πολύ απλό δέσιμο. Όπως τότε, έτσι και στις μέρες μας, το μονόπετρο δαχτυλίδι αποτελεί την πεμπτουσία της πολυτέλειας στα δάχτυλά της αρραβωνιασμένης γυναίκας.    

Στο κατάστημά μας θα βρείτε μεγάλη συλλογή από μονόπετρα με ημιπολύτιμες πέτρες σε πολύ συμφέρουσες τιμές, άλλα και μοναδικά σχέδια με ορυκτά διαμάντια για όλους αυτούς που θέλουν να δώσουν μια άλλη αξία στην αγορά τους. Πιστοποιημένες πέτρες από τα πιο διάσημα Ινστιτούτα παγκοσμίως,  περιμένουν να τις διαλέξετε σύμφωνα με τα δικά σας κριτήρια, διασφαλίζοντας  έτσι τους πελάτες μας για τις πλέον αυθεντικές και ποιοτικές αγορές τους.



Το φυσικό μας κατάστημά, διαθέτει ειδικό χώρο προσωπικής εξυπηρέτησης για την αγορά του διαμαντιού σας. Εκεί, ο ιδιοκτήτης της επιχείρησης ως πτυχιούχος Αδαμαντολόγος, θα σας βοηθήσει να βρείτε το ιδανικό διαμάντι για να στολίσετε το δαχτυλίδι των ονείρων σας. Κλείστε κι εσείς τώρα ραντεβού δειγματισμού στο τηλεφωνικό κέντρο +302710226340 και δημιουργήστε ένα μοναδικό μονόπετρο με εγγύηση για πάντα…




Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring, made of 18 carat gold, with Brilliant cut diamonds at the center and on the side..
Ex Tax:2,170.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:2,150.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,700.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color Brilliant cut diamonds in invisible studding..
Ex Tax:1,150.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color Brilliant cut diamonds in invisible studding..
Ex Tax:1,150.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the IGL..
Ex Tax:3,850.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,390.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,620.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,300.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,100.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:800.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:740.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,600.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:2,100.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,590.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,200.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,180.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with diamond of Brilliant cut, certified by IGI..
Ex Tax:2,280.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold, with white color diamond of Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,380.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with LAB GROWN diamond of Brilliant cut, certified by IGI..
Ex Tax:1,550.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with Brilliant cut diamonds in the center and on the side..
Ex Tax:1,780.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond ..
Ex Tax:1,550.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the GIA institute ..
Ex Tax:2,260.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the GIA institute ..
Ex Tax:2,120.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the GIA institute ..
Ex Tax:2,330.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the GIA institute ..
Ex Tax:2,330.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the GIA institute..
Ex Tax:2,550.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the GIA institute ..
Ex Tax:2,110.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the GIA institute ..
Ex Tax:2,210.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by IGL ..
Ex Tax:2,110.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by IGL ..
Ex Tax:1,920.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by IGL ..
Ex Tax:1,320.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by IGL laboratory..
Ex Tax:1,280.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by IGL ..
Ex Tax:1,280.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by IGL ..
Ex Tax:1,050.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by IGL ..
Ex Tax:820.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat gold with Brilliant cut diamond, certified by the GIA institute ..
Ex Tax:3,150.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with brilliant diamonds cut..
Ex Tax:900.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with diamonds at the center and on the perimeter,  certified by the GIA institute..
Ex Tax:2,690.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with diamonds at the center, sides and on the perimeter, certified by the GIA institute ..
Ex Tax:5,480.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat pink gold with black color Brilliant cut diamond..
Ex Tax:900.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with diamonds at the center and on the perimeter..
Ex Tax:1,800.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with diamonds at the center and on the perimeter..
Ex Tax:1,800.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with brilliant diamonds cut..
Ex Tax:1,330.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with diamonds Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:840.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with diamonds Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,000.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat white gold with diamonds Brilliant cut..
Ex Tax:1,340.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Solitaire ring made of 18 carat pink gold, with one carat black color Brilliant cut diamond..
Ex Tax:2,000.00€
Showing 1 to 48 of 166 (4 Pages)