
Men Cross

Σταυρός, ένα σύμβολο μεγάλης συναισθηματικής αξίας που έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί διαχρονικά ως φυλαχτό, ως σύμβολο προστασίας ενάντια στο κακό άλλα περισσότερο απ’ όλα ως σύμβολο ευλογίας.


Στη βάπτιση, ο Σταυρός θεωρείται το πιο διαχρονικό αντικείμενο απ’ όλο το μυστήριο. Είναι αυτό που θα στέκει στο λαιμό του ανθρώπου που θα το φορά, ως ένα ξεχωριστό ενθύμιο μιας πολύ σημαντικής στιγμής της ζωής του. Με έμφαση σε αυτή τη συνιστώσα, έχουμε δημιουργήσει μια πολύ διαφορετική  συλλογή, για τις Νονές και τους Νονούς που δε συμβιβάζονται με τίποτα λιγότερο από το τέλειο.


Στη συνεχώς αυξανόμενη γκάμα μας, θα βρείτε νέα σχέδια, κατασκευασμένα με όλες τις  εξελιγμένες τεχνικές  της σημερινής κοσμηματοποιίας, δίνοντας παράλληλα έμφαση στην ποιότητα. Ακυκλοφόρητες γραμμές Σταυρών, πολλές εκ των οποίων είναι δικού μας σχεδιασμού, σε αποκλειστική διάθεση στο φυσικό μας κατάστημα και στο Μια εντυπωσιακή συλλογή που περιμένει να την ανακαλύψετε…



Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Elegant men's cross, made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin and polished finish..
Ex Tax:510.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross, made of 14 carat yellow and white gold, slightly curved inside with a polished cross in the center and a matte finish. The chain goes through the cross..
Ex Tax:530.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat white gold, with handmade satin finish..
Ex Tax:680.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with polished finish and embossed texture inside..
Ex Tax:930.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with polished finish and embossed texture inside..
Ex Tax:1,400.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with a combination of handmade and polished finish and slight movement of metal at the end of the cross..
Ex Tax:750.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish inside and polished at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:780.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish inside and polished at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:960.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish inside and polished at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:710.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Double sinde men's cross, with curved face, made of 14 carat yellow gold with handmade satin and polished finish..
Ex Tax:1,320.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish. The chain passes through the cross..
Ex Tax:580.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish, curved at the edges. The chain passes through the cross..
Ex Tax:520.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin and polished finis. The chain passes through the cross..
Ex Tax:680.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish and curved edges..
Ex Tax:710.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish and curved edges..
Ex Tax:960.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish and curved edges..
Ex Tax:890.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with a handmade satin finish on one side and polished on the other..
Ex Tax:1,200.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with a handmade satin finish on one side and polished on the other..
Ex Tax:750.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross, made of 14 carat yellow and white gold, with an embossed texture in the center and polished at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:320.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross, made of 14 carat yellow and white gold with handmade satin and polished finish..
Ex Tax:560.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow and white gold, with handmade satin finish at the center and polished finish at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:700.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross, made of 14 carat yellow and white gold, with an embossed texture in the center and polished finish at the end of the cross and at the central cross..
Ex Tax:490.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross, made of 14 carat yellow and white gold with handmade satin and polished finish..
Ex Tax:570.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish at the center and embossed design at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:560.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish at the center and polished at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:700.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish at the center and polished at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:650.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin and polished finish ..
Ex Tax:480.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin and polished finish ..
Ex Tax:480.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin and polished finish ..
Ex Tax:570.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with polished finish and curved surface..
Ex Tax:480.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish at the center and polished at the end..
Ex Tax:470.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish at the center and polished at the end..
Ex Tax:520.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish and curvature at the end..
Ex Tax:730.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish at the center and polished at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:580.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish..
Ex Tax:700.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat white gold, with handmade satin finish and polished at the back side..
Ex Tax:600.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Double side men's cross, made of 14 carat yellow and white gold with handmade satin and polished finish, by Aneli collection ..
Ex Tax:380.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross  made of 14 carat yellow gold with polished finish at the center and mat at the perimeter..
Ex Tax:890.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Elegant cross with chain, made of 14 carat yellow gold with polished finish..
Ex Tax:600.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross  made of 14 carat yellow and white gold with handmade satin and polished finish, by Aneli collection..
Ex Tax:390.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross  made of 14 carat yellow and white gold with polished and handmade satin finish, by Aneli collection..
Ex Tax:1,390.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross  made of 14 carat white gold with polished and handmade satin finish, by Aneli collection..
Ex Tax:1,240.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Double side men's cross, with chain, made of 14 carat yellow gold with polished and handmade satin finish and chain passing through the cross..
Ex Tax:750.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Double side men's cross, with chain, made of 14 carat yellow gold with polished and handmade satin finish and chain passing through the cross..
Ex Tax:890.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Elegant double side men's cross, with chain, made of 18 carat yellow gold with polished and handmade finish and chain passing through the cross..
Ex Tax:1,250.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Double side men's cross, with chain, made of 14 carat yellow gold with polished and handmade satin finish and chain passing through the cross..
Ex Tax:730.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Double side men's cross, with chain, made of 14 carat yellow gold with polished and handmade satin finish and chain passing through the cross..
Ex Tax:760.00€
Brand (see also the rest): BADOUNAS
Men's cross made of 14 carat yellow gold, with handmade satin finish..
Ex Tax:600.00€
Showing 1 to 48 of 202 (5 Pages)